
Hidratante Original

A nossa regra número um é esperar o melhor , planejar para o pior. Com seu rosto é tudo no planejamento.

Embalado com óleos essenciais 8 , chá verde, algas verdes , konjac mannan e vitamina E. poderosos ingredientes que hidratam a pele. Ele absorve rapidamente e não vai deixar seu rosto e mãos oleosa ou gordurosa após o uso.

  • Carefully Selected Ingredients

    Our Original Range has been specially formulated for everyday use on normal skin. We use carefully selected man made ingredients in conjunction with some incredible natural ingredients such as...

    Aloe Vera

    Camelina Oil

    Green Tea


    Ideal for everyday use on normal skin, our hydrating Original Moisturiser for men makes the perfect daily companion for your face.


    By harnessing the best of nature and the best of science, we specially formulate products that really work for men's skin. Our softening Original Moisturiser for men will leave your skin looking healthier.


    Purpose built for quick absorbsion, our Original Moisturiser for men is non-greasy and won’t leave you feeling sticky after use.